Aims And Objectives
It will be a non-political body which believes in the unity, solidarity & integrity of Pakistan and will have no affiliation with any political/religious organization/sub- organization/group and shall generally work for following objectives.
- To promote education, research and extension activities in (Nili-Ravi) Buffalo Breed Development Program.
- To encourage collaborationamong(Nili-Ravi)BuffaloBreeders.
- To Develop Co-operation and Co-ordination with Government &Private Institutions working for welfare and advancement of (Nili-Ravi) Buffalo.
- To work for the Socio-economic uplift of (Nili-Ravi) Buffalo Breeders and look after their genuine interests
- To organize the functions (Seminars, Training Workshops, Conferences etc.) with the assistance of Government and Private Institution/organizations to update the skills and knowledge of the members of (BBAPP) through dissemination of information on modern husbandry practices.
- To encourage, support and patronize the Buffalo Breeders through the conductofBreedMelas(Fairs)forthegroomingofinherenttalent/traits of (Nili-Ravi) Buffalo.
- Tomonitornational/provincialpoliciesforbuffalobreeding.
- To provide a forum for problem analysis of (Nili-Ravi) Buffalo Breeders and develop linkages and liaison with Government and Research Institutions for its solution.
- To assist the (Nili-Ravi) Buffalo Breeders in general and members of the association in particular for Performance Recording and monitor them to assure its accuracy and transparency.
- To develop the (Nili-Ravi) “Buffalo Breed Herd Book” for its genetic improvement with collaboration of Buffalo Research Institute, Pattoki District Kasur.
- To develop “The national black Gold Club”, which consist of elite (high milk producing) Nili-Ravi buffalo through milk competition at breeder’s farm with the collaboration of Buffalo Research Institute, Pattoki Distt. Kasur.
- To monitor the activities of the Government and Private Institutions/Organizations dealing in (Nili-Ravi) Buffalo breeding and Artificial Insemination Services/ IVF, Other Similar Activities for breed improvement.
- To develop and publish “Type Summaries” for breed characteristics of (Nili- Ravi) Buffalo through “linear scouring system” with the collaboration of Buffalo Research Institute, Pattoki District Kasur.
- To provide consciousness to buffalo breeders from over-profiteering by the manufacturers, suppliers, importers etc.
- To make the Pakistani Buffalo breeders, voice heard and to enhance and promote the interest in (Nili-Ravi) Buffalo breeding.
- To print, translate, publish, issue, circulate and provide books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, journals, reviews, biographies, treatise, brochures, pamphlets, references books or any other publications and similar efforts for the awareness of the breeders of their rights and to conduct and organize seminars, symposiums, lectures and walks from time to time to achieve the objectives of the Association.
- To seek cooperation with domestic breeders’ rights associations to develop a common strategy and working platforms.
- To provide a forum for research, scholars, specialists, experts, writers, speakers, thinkers for free intellectual interaction and to develop a consensus and understanding about indigenous breeds
- To work for development of human resources, poverty alleviation, promotionofsocialandeconomicwellbeingofthemasses,betterment of health, improvement of social status, social mobilization for prosperous society, elimination of gender discrimination and pollution free environment particularly in the rural areas.
- To appeal, solicit or accept contribution, donations, grants and gifts, in cash or in kind, from lawful sources and to apply the same or income thereof for the objects of the Association.
- To open and operate bank accounts in the name of Association in any scheduled/commercialized bank(s) and to draw, make, accept, endorse, execute and issue promissory notes, bills, cheques and other instruments.
- To acquire, alter, improve, charge, take on lease, exchange, hire, sell, let or otherwise dispose of any movable or immovable property andany rights and privileges whatsoever for any of the objects or purposes specified herein above. Provided that the Association shall not undertake the business of real estate or housing schemes. The Association shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities and shall conform to relevant statutory regulations and laws.
- To borrow or raise money, with or without security, required for the purposes of the Association upon such terms and in such manner as may be determined by the Association for the promotion of its objects.
- To pledge, lien or mortgage the assets of the Association and orrender guarantee for the performance of any contract made, discharge of any obligation incurred or repayment of any moneys borrowed bythe Association.
- To purchase, sell, exchange, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire lands, construct, maintain or alter any building and any other moveable or immovable properties or any right or privileges necessary or convenient for the use and purposes of the Association.
- To nominate delegates and advisors to represent the Association at conferences, government bodies and other gatherings.
- To co-operate with other charitable trusts, societies, associations, institutions or companies formed for all or any of these objects and statutory authorities operating for similar purposes and to exchange information and advice with them.
- To pay out of the funds of the Association the costs, charges and expenses of and incidental to the formation and registration of the Associations.
- To create, establish, administer and manage funds including endowment fund conducive for the promotion of the objects of the Association.
- To enter into agreements, contracts and arrangements with organizations, institutions, bodies and individuals for the purpose of carrying out the functions and activities of the Association
- To take such actions as are considered necessary to raise the statusor to promote the efficiency of the Associations
- Patronage of any government of authority, express or implied, shall not be claimed unless such government or authority has signified its consent thereto in writing
- The subscribers to the Memorandum and Articles of Association shall continue to be the members of the Association unless allowed by the Registrar on application to quit as members
- The Association shall comply with such conditions as may be imposed by the Registrar, Joint Stock Companies from time to time
- The Association shall not appeal, solicit, receive or accept funds, grants, contributions, donations or gifts, in each or in kind, from foreign sources except with the prior permission, clearance or approval from the relevant public authorities as may be required under any relevant statutory regulations and laws
- Notwithstanding anything stated in any object clause, the Association shall obtain such other licenses, or approvals of the relevant public authorities as may be required under any relevant statutory regulations and laws for the time being in force, to carry out any particular object.
- To generate the spirit of patriotism and inculcate democratic values among (Nili-Ravi) Buffalo breeders.
- To do all such things and welfare activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objects
Become a member of the BBAP
If you want to join the Buffalo Breeders Association Punjab fill out the form and you will be contacted by our offices