
Founder members

The permanent headquarters of the association shall be located at “Buffalo Research Institute, Pattoki District Kasur”. However, working office of theassociation may be established jointly with the organization/institution contain similar objectives. This practice would be happened only for optimization of expenditure,butbeforeinitiatingsuchactivityanagreementwithdetailedtermsand conditions must be developed and signed by the authorized officials of both the organizations.


Any buffalo breeder fulfills the conditions to become a member of the Association and who subscribes Rs.2,000/- per annum.


Any buffalo breeder fulfills the conditions to become a member of the Association and who subscribes Rs.15,000/- (or any amount fixed by the Central Executive council) on a one-time basis.


Any organization / institution involved in (Nili Ravi) buffalo breeding / Artificial InseminationServicesorrelatedactivitiesandwhoendorsesandacceptsthe aims and objectives, rules and regulations of the association and agrees to pay Rs.3,000/- as membership fee and Rs.2,000/- as annual fee or as fixed by the central executive council from time to time for a term of (03 or 05) three or five years. The membership certificate with validity period will be issuebytheGeneralSecretary.Furthermore,thismembershipwillalsobeon a non-voting basis, similarly Honorary Council Member.

  • Any (Nili-Ravi) buffalo breeder resident of Punjab province having at least (ten only) milking/pregnant buffalo and agree to develop and maintain their performance record according to the instructions of association and submit the same to its office and act upon the adviceof the association experts (to enhance the production of (Nili-Ravi) buffalo through improved breeding, feeding, management and disease control practices) will be eligible to become a member of the

However, condition of eligibility can be relaxed in suitable cases by a unanimous decision of the President/General secretary.

  • There shall be no discrimination on the basis of Religion, Sex /Caste
  • Memberswillberegisteredbythe
  • Any (Nili-Ravi) buffalo breeder of Punjab province fulfills the conditions for being eligible to be enrolled as member of the association shall be deemed to have agreed to abiding by the rules and regulations of the association. An application shall be filled in the membership form and submitted, together with his/her membership subscription, to the president of the Association.
  • This registration will be an eligibility to entertain the facilities/benefitsas member (B.B.A.P.P) provided by the association or its allied Government and private institutions/organizations and in no manner should be claimed as a right for getting services/benefits.
  • All the facilities/benefits provided by the association will be subject to merit for the relevant case.
  • After approval of membership by the Secretary Membership. A membership card will be issued with the signatures of president or General Secretary to all the registered members of the association which will also be used for their Identification in General Body Meeting as well as in election.
  • This registration number will be quoted as reference for all correspondence with the association office.
  • This card must be kept secured. In case of loss, duplicate membership card will be issued on payment of Rs.1000/- (Rupees three hundred only).
  • Central Executive Council shall take serious notice of any social & moral misconduct. Any act equivalent to moral turpitude or any offence cognizable by the law of land, or anything avowedly un-ethical in its nature will be construed as social & moral misconduct for the purpose of this provision. All such cases shall be brought by the central executive council before judicial committee chosen from amongst the executive members of the council and shall be discussed and decided. Central Executive Council shall also be competent to expel such offending members from Association, after giving them reasonable opportunity for explaining their position. Central Executive Council can also disqualify any member by 2/3 majority if the said member is found.

    • Guiltyofactingagainsttheinterestof
    • Actsagainsttheprovisionof
    • Cancellationofmembershipshalloccur
      1. Intheeventofthedeathofamember:and
      2. Intheeventamemberfailstopayanyamountduebyhimtotheassociation within three (3) months after such obligation has become due.
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