Buffalo Breeders Association (Punjab) Pakistan

The BBAPP is a Scientific Association born in 2009

History of Association

The activities of “the Association”, its affairs or functions shall comprise of achieving the objectives mentioned in the Memorandum and include undertaking of all or any of the several objects, and any act, deed or thing done in pursuance, authorized by the Memorandum of The Association, and can be commenced immediately after incorporation of “The Association” as the Central Executive Council may think fit.


The permanent headquarters of the association shall be located at “Buffalo Research Institute, Pattoki District Kasur”. However, working office of theassociation may be established jointly with the organization/institution contain similar objectives. This practice would be happened only for optimization of expenditure,butbeforeinitiatingsuchactivityanagreementwithdetailedtermsand conditions must be developed and signed by the authorized officials of both the organizations.

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